Ethereum cryptocurrency wallets raided after Amazon’s internet domain service hijacked
Approximately US $150,000 worth of Ethereum-based cryptocurrency stolen. Online cryptocurrency website has confirmed that for a period of time yesterday some visitors could have been redirected to a phishing site designed to steal users’ credentials and – ultimately – empty their cryptocurrency wallets. According to reports , whoever was behind the attack may have successfully stolen approximately US $152,000 worth of Ethereum-based cryptocurrency. However, assuming that MyEtherWallet itself was at fault may be a mistake, as the website explained in its statement: “This is not due to a lack of security on the [MyEtherWallet] platform. It is due to hackers finding vulnerabilities in public facing DNS servers.” This explanation is confirmed by British security researcher Kevin Beaumont, who described in a blog post that some of MyEtherWallet’s traffic had been redirected to a server based in Russia after traffic intended for Amazon’s DNS resol...